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3-2-1 : 3-D Printing How To!

Recently in #digital#learning and #media with #drjustice our #mediainquiry was about

#3dprinting using a program like #autodesk called #tinkercad We made a #dreamhouse using #curasoftware and a #3dprinter It was a great #learningtool it was so much #fun to #create and #play with this new #learningexperience


Design and print your dream house. Design a model that establishes scale.

Create an account on Tinkercad. It’s free!


  • How big can you dream? What can you dream?

  • How can you make your dreams a reality?

  • Scale is a relationship between elements, not simply a characteristic of size.

  • Accomplish the impossible.

scale /skāl/ noun noun: scale; plural noun: scales; noun: scale of notation; plural noun: scales of notation 1. a graduated range of values forming a standard system for measuring or grading something. 2. the full range of different levels of people or things, from lowest to highest. 3. the relative size or extent of something. 4. a ratio of size in a map, model, drawing, or plan. "a one-fifth scale model of a seven-story building"synonyms:ratio, proportion, relative size"the number of points needed to represent the line will depend on the scale of the map"
  • Scale is the felt embodiment of difference.

  • Scale is the transition between big and small.

  • Scale surfaces the question: How does my body fit here?

dream /drēm/ noun noun: dream; plural noun: dreams 1. a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. 2. a state of mind in which someone is or seems to be unaware of their immediate surroundings. synonyms:ambition, aspiration, hope; More 3. an unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy. synonyms:delight, joy, marvel, wonder, treasure, pleasure;

How To Draw:

  • Play with tinkercad.

  • Click on buttons: drag, twist, push, pull. How does the platform respond?

  • How do the right and left mouse buttons create different views and responses?

Tinkercad 3D drawing software


  • All printers start at the bottom and build up.

  • Your base must be a flat surface.

  • You must have a thick base to support your print, or the base will crack.

  • All parts of your design must connect cohesively in order to support itself.

You need a thick base to support your structure.

How To Print:

  1. Title and save your print in Tinkercad > Export > Pop up menu will open > choose .stl file

  2. Download to computer desktop > save to thumb drive. (don't forget to eject first)

  3. Open CURA slicing software

  4. Use menu bar on L side to scale. (Two hour glass shapes) where you see X, Y, Z (Length, Width, Height) adjust the largest # to 45 and make sure the smallest is not >15 check print time in bottom R corner of screen

  5. Insert SD card and click save to removable drive > transfer downloaded file to SD card > remove

  6. Place SD card into Ultimaker

  7. Use rotary dial to select print on digital screen.

  8. When your print is complete pop your dream house off the glass plate and alert the next student in the que.


It's that easy! I really enjoyed the process; it has been my favorite thus far.

The biggest challenge was the time it took to build the dream house. The building in Tinkercad took a lot more time than I thought it should and a lot of patience because the software didn’t respond the way I wanted it to. It was frustrating to want it to do one thing, and see it respond in another way. When adding a shape to the drawing board, it wouldn’t always be where I wanted it to be and dragging it from its destination to where I wanted it to be took some skill, eventually it got easier to predict how to move the mouse to get the response I wanted.

It can be tricky. Be patient.

The printing process I can be anxiety producing, but following the step-by step tutorial makes it a super fluid process.

Ask yourself:

What happens next? How can you expand on this? How do you build on what you know?

How does this connect to the real world? How can you use this to make a difference?

Check out the link below to see how one man used 3-D printing to train a whole village of farmers in Nepal on how to save their agriculture and better their community;

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