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Lifelong Classroom

Being a student doesn't just pertain to sitting in a classroom for several hours a day listening to lectures, taking notes and completing assignments. We are all capable of being students everyday; it is a practice, a mindset, a perspective.

Learning is all around us. We have the power to digest the world around us with open eyes and a curious heart or we can put on blinders and remain blocked to the possibilities that surround us on a daily basis.

My favorite way to learn is through human connection. Without a doubt, I learn more from meaningful conversations with people that share similar interests than I do from most other resources. I love to hear about people's experiences, what challenges they have faced and how they have overcome them. I love to hear about their passions and how they feed their interests. Are they reading something juicy? Have they seen a recent show or exhibit? Are they currently using a new technique that has them super jazzed? What have they tried and failed? Do they have awesome classroom management tips to try?

This connected learning is best shared with a variety of ages. I love sitting with a "little" to chat about what they are doing in school, what they like and don't like and what they enjoy discovering outside of the classroom. ( Littles are always the best at truthful testimonials!) I also enjoy talking to "wiser" more experienced adults. There are several retired teachers I in my church I love to hear stories from. They have great tips on how to deal with administration, job interviews ect. Right now, connecting with fellow students is greatly beneficial. They have the best tips on which teachers to choose when selecting classes, what to expect as far as work load, how to find resources on campus (like free food and printers) and they are the best at lifting you up when feeling run down because they are living it along side you.

Burnout can be inevitable in any situation, but continuing to learn and grow is the best way to overcome it. Learning something new can really spark your energy and charge you through. I love going to the library and thumbing through art books, looking at the pictures and reading about artists from our past. Visiting galleries and looking at art is a great way to get inspiration, going during an opening is even better! Talking about art can create quite a buzz. I love learning about how something was created, hearing about the process and trying new techniques.

When I am feeling super lazy I like to float through Netflix and watch documentaries about artists. Saving Banky, Abstract, and The Girl with the Pearl Earring are just some of my recent viewings. Pod casts and Blogs are also great ways to learn more about art, artists in action and techniques.

The world is your oyster.

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